Labour Sunday 2022
When Food Delivery Couriers Meet the Workers in the Vineyard: A Labour Reflection on Matthew 20:1-16 Sermon | Rev. Hans Lutz| Executive Committee Member of HKCIC

2022年4月27日 下午2:00
The main theme of the Labour Sunday this year is “food delivery couriers”. Food delivery is a fast-growing industry in the last ten years. It specially develops fast during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has caused a huge unemployed population and many unemployed people join the food delivery industry as couriers. But the couriers are “self-employed” and enjoy no labour and social protection. The couriers are under full control of platform companies and assume all the risks and loss at work.
Sermon | Rev. Hans Lutz| Executive Committee Member of HKCIC
For the sermon and prayer of the Labour Sunday 2022, please click here.